The lost 16mm films from old man Pešiš
In programme
The lost 16mm films from old man Pešiš
Thirty years ago, Petr Nemecek (born 1937) was still an active creator and together with his spouse Jarmila, they created a humble, but exceptional collection of 16mm films with a humanist and anti-militarist drive. Our compilation presents all the films that survived, unfortunately it’s only six of them and not the original 16mm copies, only converted DVDs.
A feature on Nemecek, published in Amateur Film and Video magazine (1/1990), adds that he also worked as a cameraman and sound engineer, head of the club of Engineering Plant Prerov, or collaborator of Young Camera in Unicov. Petr Nemecek is a filmmaker with an exceptional emphasis on the lyrical dailiness.

Players / Hráči
Petr Němeček 6' 17'' ČSSR

Proclamation to the Motherland / Vyznání rodné zemi
Petr Němeček 9' 2'' ČSSR

Under the Sign of Neptune / Ve znamení Neptuna
Jarmila Němečková 8' ČSSR

Spider / Pavouk
Petr and Jarmila Němeček 6' ČSSR

The Message of Drawing / Poselství kresby
Jarmila Němečková 10' ČSSR

Man with a Paillard / Muž s pailardem
Ing. Jiří Kafka and Petr Němeček 9' ČSSR