Brno sportovní: Komentovaná prohlídka města s Michalem Doleželem
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Brno sportovní: Komentovaná prohlídka města s Michalem Doleželem
Second half of the 19th century can be characterised by club activities aimed in various directions. Amongst founded clubs were book clubs, choirs, museum clubs, tourism clubs, and finally, various sports clubs. Their popularity was intensified by the institution of leisure. This new phenomenon connected to the newly industrial society maintained people’s daily regime by making sure that after working for several hours a day, they also had time to regenerate both physical and mental strength in order to essentially benefit the society.
As a part of leisure activities, physical training and movement in general soon proved to be the best way to regenerate, as it also benefited overall physical fitness of an individual. Thus, several gym and sports clubs were established in Czech Lands before the end of the century. Brno definitely did not want to stay behind when it came to this phenomenon and so in 1961 first German gym club was founded here and the Czech side of the city answered with their own club shortly thereafter.
During this commented walk we will see various places connected to the oldest history of Czech-German sport as well as the biggest Sokol gym in the Czech Republic.