Film and TV in modern board games
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Film and TV in modern board games
Board games, card cames, die games… modern board games are on the rise as they pish their way into our consciousness through pop cultural references and film and TV show licenses. From Alien to Rocketeer, from The Godfather to Battlestar Galactica. Our boardgaming table will offer you American Psycho or you can re-live the cult film Jaws. How does one handle these licences? What do board games offer? And which games you shouldn’t pass up?
Petr Čáslava (*1979), the editor in chief of the Youtube Channel Deskofobie, is a professional who’s been working in the field for over 20 years. A game developer who’s worked on internationally acclaimed titles. The head of the jury in the reality show Den deskovek (Day of Board Games). Owner of three cats and one irritable bowel – both has been hard on him.
* There will be board games based on film and TV show licenses available for playing in the café