In The Middle of Nowhere

In programme

In The Middle of Nowhere

Empty Roads in remote landscapes surveilled by weather cameras or lonely birds at night, dizzying camera dance in the woods, feeling lost as a teenager in some rural area in Austria, and a road trip through the States in the mid-80s. What these films have in common is the feeling of certain uncertainty, of special and emotional turmoil and instability – but also a calmness when read with a certain perspective.

(Gerald Weber)

Sleduj Online


In the middle of nowhere 4485

44/85 Foot’-age shoot’-out /

Kurt Kren   3'   Austria

In the middle of nowhere Luukkaankangas

Luukkaangangas – updated, revisited /

Dariusz Kowalski   8'   Austria

In the middle of nowhere Erdbeerland

Maybes / Erdbeerland

Florian Pochlatko   34'   Austria

In the middle of nowhere rotation

Rotation / Rotation

Herbert Distel, Petra Otahal   15'   Austria

In the middle of nowhere carte noire

Carte Noire /

Michaela Grill   2' 3''   Austria Canada