❁ Moravia, O Fair Land III : Genesis ❁


Czech rep.






Petr Šprincl

What’s the common denominator of folklore, black metal, and zombies?

Ivana Slabáková – the guru of Moravian brass music announces a historical event – the discovery of the Manuscript of Mikulčice which reveals the historical meaning of the Great Moravian Empire. Slabáková assembles Moravian patriots, brass music, a clerical fascist, a satanist from Brno, and a group of pensioner volunteers in order to celebrate this event with a spectacular Moravian musical. In Rohatec, the heart of Moravian Slovácko then becomes the place for rehearsing a Great Moravian drama which accidentally revives the dead buried in the ancient Slavic burial ground.

This epic clash of cultures doesn’t stop the brass music in Moravia, though. Zombies tend to the vineyards and hope that the harvest will be bountiful next year.

In programme

Moravia, O Fair Land

Other Films

✾ Moravia, O Fair Land I: Co člověka potěší víc, než hezká písnička od srdce? ✾