From 18 October, the BRNO16 festival will also feature a section of Czech and Slovak films. A total of 14 films have been selected and one of them will be awarded a financially honoured prize. Congratulations to all selected films!
Atestace (Credentialing; Jan Hecht)
Daleko od stromu (Far From the Tree; Emma Marková)
Deniska umřela (Dede is Dead; Philippe Kastner)
Chléb náš vezdejší (Liquid Bread; Alica Bednáriková)
Impulsum (Michaela Dzurovčínová, Adéla Kašparová)
Lycaeon (Marina Hendrichová)
Neznaboh (Godless; Stefan Lambert)
Nosičhoven In da Haus (Viktor Strmiska)
Odpusť (Don't Blow It Up; Betka Mačáková Mišejková)
Prázdna množina (No Elements; Barbara Vojtašáková)
Tapping Black Boots (Kaoru Furuko)
Tančíš sama (You Dance Alone; Šimon Lovecký)
Večeře pro 2, snídaně pro 1 (Dinner for 2, breakfast for 1; Slovensko; r. Kristína Žilinčárová)
Víc kruh než linka (A Circle, Rather than a Line; Barbora Venclová)
Detailed information about the films and the schedule will be available from the beginning of October.